Please find some legal information below.


If you find something not explained properly or if you have found a bug, please let us know. We are as well open to evaluate new possibilities for applying this tool, so don't hesitate to contact us in such cases.

Please note that we cannot offer any extensive support on an informal base.


We do not have any formal guidelines for extending the tool. Just drop us a mail if you want to have your changes being included.


The tool was written within the scope of the project “Urbane Mobilität”, financed by and performed at the German Aerospace Center. The tool was written by staff members of the Institute of Transport Research.

Authors (in the order of appearance):

Co-authors and Users:

  • Benjamin Heldt (requirements, evaluation)
  • Jan Weschke (requirements, evaluation)


UrMoAC uses some external libraries, namely:

Library Purpose Licence
commons-pool ? recheck ? Apache V2.0
gt-api GeoTools: API to GeoTools LGPL
gt-data GeoTools: Access to data LGPL
gt-main GeoTools: Main API implementations LGPL
gt-metadata GeoTools: information and service descriptions LGPL
gt-opengis GeoTools: interfaces to geospatial concepts LGPL
gt-referencing GeoTools: references of geocoded information, including CoordinateReferenceSystem implementation LGPL
gt-shapefile GeoTools: shapefile I/O LGPL
jai_core Java Advanced Imaging Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE
jdom XML processing Apache-style
jgridshift Transformations LGPL
[jsr-275] Measures BSD
jts Topology Suite Eclipse Distribution Licence
log4j Logging framework Apache V2.0
postgis PostGIS JDBC driver LGPL
postgresql PostgreSQL JDBC driver BSD 2-clause
slf4j ? Logging Facade ? MIT
trove4j Fast collections LGPL
[vecmath] ? Vector computation? GPL-2

We would like to thank all the contributors to the named libraries. Without you, this work would be not possible.