Below, you may find the command line options the tool uses, sorted by their scope.

Please note that some options may be defined using an abbreviation; non-abbreviated option names start with ‘--’ (two minus signs); abbreviated option names are only one character long and start with ‘-’ (one minus sign).

Input Options

Basic Definitions

Option Default Explanation
N/A (optional) Defines the configuration to load.
N/A (mandatory) Defines the data source of origins.
N/A (mandatory) Defines the data source of destinations.
--net <NET_SOURCE>
N/A (mandatory) Defines the road network to load.
--mode ['passenger', ‘foot’, ‘bicycle’] N/A (mandatory) The transport mode to use.
--from-agg <OBJECT_SOURCE> N/A (optional) Defines the data source of origin aggregation areas.
--to-agg <OBJECT_SOURCE> N/A (optional) Defines the data source of destination aggregation areas.
N/A (optional) Defines the GTFS-based public transport representation.
--traveltimes <TT_SOURCE> N/A (optional) Defines the data source of traveltimes.
--epsg <EPSG_NUMBER> N/A (mandatory) The EPSG projection to use.
--time <TIMES> N/A (mandatory) The time the trips start at in seconds.
--od-connections <OD_SOURCE> N/A (optional) When set, O/D-connections to compute are read from the given data source.

Input Adaptation

Option Default Explanation
--from.filter <FILTER>
N/A (optional) Defines a filter for origins to load. <COLUMN_NAME> “gid” Defines the column name of the origins' ids.
--from.geom <COLUMN_NAME> “the_geom” Defines the column name of the origins' geometries.
--to.filter <FILTER>
N/A (optional) Defines a filter for destinations to load. <COLUMN_NAME> “gid” Defines the column name of the destinations' ids.
--to.geom <COLUMN_NAME> “the_geom” Defines the column name of the destinations' geometries.
--from-agg.filter <FILTER> N/A (optional) Defines a filter for origins aggregations' to load. <COLUMN_NAME> “gid” Defines the column name of the origins aggregations' ids.
--from-agg.geom <COLUMN_NAME> “the_geom” Defines the column name of the origins aggregations' geometries.
--to-agg.filter <FILTER> N/A (optional) Defines a filter for destination aggregations' to load. <COLUMN_NAME> “gid” Defines the column name of the destination aggregations' ids.
--to-agg.geom <COLUMN_NAME> “the_geom” Defines the column name of the destination aggregations' geometries.
--net.vmax <COLUMN_NAME> “vmax” Defines the column name of networks's vmax attribute.
--keep-subnets N/A (optional) When set, unconnected network parts are not removed.

Weighting Options

Option Default Explanation
--weight <FIELD>
“” An optional weighting attribute for the origins.
--variable <FIELD>
“” An optional destinations' variable to collect.

Routing Options

Option Default Explanation
--max-number <INTEGER> N/A (optional) The maximum number of destinations to visit.
--max-distance <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) The maximum distance to check.
--max-tt <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) The maximum travel time to check.
--max-variable-sum <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) The maximum sum of variable's values to collect.
--shortest N/A (optional) Searches only one destination per origin.
--requirespt N/A (optional) When set, only information that contains a PT part are stored.
--measure ['tt_mode', ‘price_tt’, ‘interchanges_tt’, ‘maxinterchanges_tt’] N/A (optional) The measure to use during the routing.
--measure-param1 <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) The parameter for the first routing measure's variable.
--measure-param2 <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) The parameter for the second routing measure's variable.

Public Transport Options

Option Default Explanation
--pt-boundary <BOUNDARY_SOURCE> N/A (optional) Defines the data source of the boundary for the PT offer.
--date <DATE> N/A (optional); mandatory when using public transport The date for which the accessibilities shall be computed.
--entrainment <ENTRAINMENT_SOURCE>
N/A (optional) Data source for entrainment description.
--pt-restriction <CARRIERS>
N/A (optional) A list of carriers that shall be loaded (all are loaded if not given).

Custom Mode Options

Option Default Explanation
--custom.vmax <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) Maximum velocity of the custom mode.
--custom.kkc-per-hour <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) kkc used per hour when using the custom mode.
--custom.co2-per-km <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) CO2 emitted per kilometer when using the custom mode.
--custom.price-per-km <DOUBLE> N/A (optional) Price for using the custom mode per kilometre.
--custom.allowed <MODE>[;<MODE>]* N/A (optional) The type of roads the custom mode can use (combination of ‘foot’, ‘bike’, ‘passenger’ divided by ‘;’).

Output Options

Option Default Explanation
--nm-output <OUTPUT>
N/A (optional) Defines the n:m output.
--ext-nm-output <OUTPUT> N/A (optional) Defines the extended n:m output.
--stat-nm-output <OUTPUT> N/A (optional) Defines the n:m statistics output.
--interchanges-output <OUTPUT>
N/A (optional) Defines the interchanges output.
--edges-output <OUTPUT>
N/A (optional) Defines the edges output.
--pt-output <OUTPUT> N/A (optional) Defines the public transport output.
--direct-output <OUTPUT>
N/A (optional) Defines the direct output.
--origins-to-road-output <OUTPUT> N/A (optional) Defines output of the mapping between from-objects to the road.
--destinations-to-road-output <OUTPUT> N/A (optional) Defines output of the mapping between to-objects to the road.
--subnets-output <OUTPUT> N/A (optional) Defines the output of subnets
--dropprevious N/A (optional) When set, previous output with the same name is replaced.
--precision <INTEGER> 2 Defines the number of digits after the decimal point.
--comment N/A (optional) Adds a comment with the used options into generated output dbs.

Process Options

Option Default Explanation
--threads <INTEGER> 1 The number of threads to use.
N/A (optional) Prints what is being done.
--subnets-summary N/A (optional) Prints a summary on found subnets
--save-config <FILENAME> N/A (optional) Saves the set options as a configuration file.
--save-template <FILENAME> N/A (optional) Saves a configuration template to add options to.
N/A (optional) Prints the help screen.