We have developed a set of visualisation options, most of them using technically on the — outstading tool for scientific investigations — matplotlib library for Python that generates wonderful figures and diagrams, see their examples page.


plot_area.py shows the results of an accessibility computation as an areal contour plot using the origins' positions and the computed measures.

It generates figures as the following:


plot_area.py is a Python script and has to be started on the command line. Its options are given in the next table.

Option Default Explanation
--from <OBJECTS>
N/A (mandatory) Defines the objecs (origins) to load.
--from.id <COLUMN_NAME> “gid” Defines the name of the field to read the object ids from.
--from.geom <COLUMN_NAME> “the_geom” Defines the name of the field to read the object geometries from.
--border <TABLE>
-b <TABLE>
N/A (mandatory) Defines the border geometry to load.
--measures <TABLE>
-m <TABLE>
N/A (mandatory) Defines the measures to load.
2 (equals avg_tt) Defines the index of the measure to use.
--inner <TABLE> N/A (optional) Defines the optionsl inner boundaries.
--output <FILE>
N/A (optional) Defines the name of the graphic to generate.
--colmap <COLORMAP_NAME>
RdYlGn_r Defines the color map to use.
--title <TITLE>
-t <TITLE>
N/A (optional) Sets the figure title.
--projection <EPSG_CODE>
25833 Sets the projection EPSG number.
N/A (optional) Show a help message and exits.
N/A (optional) Triggers verbose output.
N/A (optional) Does not show the figure if set.

plot_area.py is located in <UrMoAC>\tools\visualisation.